Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A long summer

Classes begin soon. Shareen and I are taking a class a piece while we try to figure out what it is that we are supposed to do. I also am applying for PhD at SWBTS. We are still looking and hoping for a pastorate, but also are missing the fellowship of a church. Please be in prayer for us.

This summer I spent most of it in preparation or with the Oxford study Program at SWBTS. If you have a chance to go I would highly recommend it. It has been a great time of my life both summers I have gone. Not only does it allow one to relate with other faculty and students, but it gives a world view, if you are open to it. The godlessness of the world is prevalent in England (ironically the birthplace of Baptists and American Religious movements). It reminded me that we have a task to complete, and it is not just in our back yards.

So as I wrap up that program and begin a new semester I am taken back. It is three years since I moved to Ft. Worth. I distinctly remember the day I moved into Ft. Worth Hall, the friends I met, the classes, the overwhelmed feeling of some place new. Now I have graduated, am married, and have a baby on the way. My life now looks completely different than when I moved here. Then I was concerned with the ways of the world, now I have become content with the simple life. I would not trade it for the world and I cannot wait for the excitement of the future, whatever that may be.


Blogger cde said...

I know I said it earlier, but fatherhood rocks! Kristen, Madelyn, and I wish you all the best

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post! I am glad you are back and I am glad you have learned the lesson of the simple life early.

9:45 AM  
Blogger Jerry Grace said...


So as you wrap up that program and begin a new semester I am taken back. It is three years since yoy moved to Ft. Worth. I distinctly remember the day you moved into Ft. Worth Hall, the friends you met, the classes, the overwhelmed feeling of your being some place new. Now you have graduated, are married, and have a baby on the way. My life now looks completely different than when you moved there. Then I was concerned with how the ways of the world would treat you, now I have become content with a simpler life, (and your finally paying your own car insurance.) I would not trade it for the world and I cannot wait for the excitement of seeing your future, whatever God has in store for you.

Then and now, I am but a speed dial away.


3:39 AM  

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