Madison's Agenda

Friday, March 31, 2006

Item # 180 Your Best Life Now:The GameFor 2 or more players,ages 16 and up.
The best selling book is now anat-home experience like no other!
“Your Best Life Now” by Joel Osteen has sold over 3 million copies and has been on the New York Times and Publisher’s Weekly Best Seller list for over 50 consecutive weeks. The game enables players to step beyond the one-on-one nature of the book and feel, touch, and live Joel’s 7 Steps To Living At Your Full Potential with your friends and family. Your Best Life Now: The Game is an entertaining and educational way to take inventory of yourself and accountability of your actions. Climb the mountain as you
• Enlarge Your Vision
• Develop a Healthy Self Image
• Discover the Power of your Thoughts and Words
• Let Go of the Past
• Find Strength Through Adversity
• Live To Give
And • Choose to Be Happy
Each new plateau represents a challenge and a chance to open up and experience these steps first hand as you learn to live Your Best Life Now.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Life Through Death

Unless the Word of God had first assumed our mortal flesh he could not have died for us. Only in that way was the immortal God able to die and to give life to mortal humans.

Therefore, by this double sharing he brought about a wonderful exchange. We made death possible for him, and he made life possible for us.

-- Augustine Sermon 218C, 1

Friday, March 17, 2006

A Hymn

A came across this hymn today. Tell me what you think.

Why Men Don't Preach Sovereign Grace

What makes mistaken men afraid
Of sovereign grace to preach!
The reason is, if truth be said,
Because they are so rich.

Why so offensive in their eyes
Does God's election seem?
Because they think themselves so wise
That they have chosen him.

Of perseverance why so loath
Are some to speak or hear?
Because, as masters over sloth,
They vow to persevere.

Whence is imputed righteousness
A point so little known?
Because men think they all possess
Some righteousness their own.

Not so the needy, helpless soul,
Prefers his humble prayer;
He looks to him that works the whole,
And seeks his treasure there.

His language is, "Let me, my God,
On sovereign grace rely;
And own 'tis free, because bestowed
On one so vile as I.

Election ! tis a word divine;
For, Lord, I plainly see,
Had not thy choice preceded mine,
I ne'er had chosen thee.

For perseverance strength I've none,
But would on this depend...
That Jesus, having loved his own,
Will love them to the end.

Empty and bare, I come to thee
For righteousness divine:
O may thy matchless merits be,
By imputation, mine."

Thus differ these; yet hoping each
To make salvation Sure.
Now most men will approve the rich,
But Christ has blessed the poor.

First titled: "Because thou sayest, I am rich." Rev 3:17. By Joseph Hart. A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. by William Gadsby. The Gospel Standard Societies, 1977. 8 Roundwood Gardens, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 3AJ, England. Hymn 222. Pages 183-4.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Brotherly Love

The words of 1 Peter 3:8 should ring in our ears continually,

"Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind."

When these words change us so that we live our lives in such a manner it is amazing to see the difference. What I have seen of late, even in myself, has not been actions which are derived from lives that live out this verse.

It is true that no one is right about everything. Therefore disagreements will take place. Controversies will arise. When it happens it is up to Christians to live out lives which example the Grace God has given to us. I am not advocating a truly passive lifestyle. There are times when one must make a stand, however in those moments a person’s true colors are shown. When passions are running high and reason has been replaced with emotion a person who has not practiced brotherly love and humility will only fail in his quest.

I have seen many debates recently, most online. What I have rarely seen is any sense of love towards Christians from other Christians. One need not look far in any Christian debate to see hatred, envy, greed, and any other vice come forward. These are not honoring to God. They do not edify the Church nor do they advance the Kingdom. Not everything is black and white at first. Let us all take a little time to evaluate a situation before adding coals to the fire.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Death is never pretty

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Billy Graham iPod

Billy Graham has hit the big time and joined the ranks of U2 in getting his own iPod

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Personal Touch

I usually do not think that writing about myself will do anyone good, however those who are of the body help the body.

There are moments in my life when I have reality checks. By that I mean there are moments when someone walks up to me and unfavorably tells me how they feel. It is not always in such a blunt manner, but some way that message is conveyed. Often times I open the door for such comments and then I am left flustered to say the least. A moment comes into my mind when I have a few options. I could I either disagree or learn. Believe it or not I often choose the learning option, but it leaves my frustrated.

Such an event happened yesterday. The details are unimportant. However, I came away with harch feelings, some of anger, pain, hurt, sadness, etc. None that can be found in the fruit of the Spirit. Then throughout the rest of the day it was confirmed to me how wrong I was in action (however right I was in content, but like I said, the details are unimportant.)

What happened to me was a humbling experience. I am not saying I was humbled, however true that may be. I am saying the experience grew humility. There is a difference. One is a peripheral issue and one is the main issue.

Ok, what am I rambling about? It is this: A right understanding of self comes from a correct understanding of God. It is about relationship. That relationship is not the same as one with any human. It is a relationship of love and fear in humility. Sometimes we need to realize that even in tough situations (whether we create them or not) God is working in us to understand him better. Seek those moments where you can be transformed for the better in your relationship with God.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

A new definition of college

A friend of mine, who is a freshman in college, wrote the following assessment of her experience there.

"Oh, college. You masquerade as higher education, but you are really just a cover for a period of financially and emotionally expensive and risky self-debasement, over analysis, and obsessive reexamination of every conceivable neurosis or quirk, as well as a time for snarky politics and perceived witticisms and elaborate mating dances."

Thank You Monica!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Trail of Blood, newly revised

J. M. Carroll would have been proud!