Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Personal Touch

I usually do not think that writing about myself will do anyone good, however those who are of the body help the body.

There are moments in my life when I have reality checks. By that I mean there are moments when someone walks up to me and unfavorably tells me how they feel. It is not always in such a blunt manner, but some way that message is conveyed. Often times I open the door for such comments and then I am left flustered to say the least. A moment comes into my mind when I have a few options. I could I either disagree or learn. Believe it or not I often choose the learning option, but it leaves my frustrated.

Such an event happened yesterday. The details are unimportant. However, I came away with harch feelings, some of anger, pain, hurt, sadness, etc. None that can be found in the fruit of the Spirit. Then throughout the rest of the day it was confirmed to me how wrong I was in action (however right I was in content, but like I said, the details are unimportant.)

What happened to me was a humbling experience. I am not saying I was humbled, however true that may be. I am saying the experience grew humility. There is a difference. One is a peripheral issue and one is the main issue.

Ok, what am I rambling about? It is this: A right understanding of self comes from a correct understanding of God. It is about relationship. That relationship is not the same as one with any human. It is a relationship of love and fear in humility. Sometimes we need to realize that even in tough situations (whether we create them or not) God is working in us to understand him better. Seek those moments where you can be transformed for the better in your relationship with God.


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