Saturday, February 10, 2007


It has been two weeks and no true word on my blog about what I think about being a Dad. The delay is in part due to lack of sleep and an overwhelming fear of being behind in school and work. Things are starting to settle down and I thought I should take a moment to speak about William.

I a word he is wonderful. Of course this should be the attitude of any new father. For those who do not feel this way: shame on you! It is a great priviledge and responsibility to be a parent and one should take on the task encapsulated by love toward the child. In this case it is William and I had no idea how much I would love him or care for him and even now I cannot properly convey those feelings. Only those who have been there before can say, “I know what you are saying.”

William himself is pretty laid back. He cries for one reason only: food. I suppose he gets that from me. We have to feed him every 2-3 hours, something I still practice to this day. My favorite thing that he does is get this hugely inquisitive look on his face that wrinkles his whole forehead up. It is too amazing. I do not know what he is thinking about or how a baby thinks, but he is taking in as much as he can while he is awake.

I know now that I would do anything for him and want him to grow up knowing he was loved and supported. I pray every day that one day he will come to Christ, for nothing is more important than that. I do not know what other adventures this new thing called parenthood will provide, but I am not worried and up for the challenge.


Blogger Tucker said...

There are timeline dividers in our lives, just as Jesus' birth divides time into BC/AD.

Marriage is one of those dividers.

Parenthood is an even more pronounced divider.

Just like if I were to tell you that Marion and I were pregnant with our second child.

Because we are.

3:50 PM  

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