Madison's Agenda

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Change? But we did change!

"It will be interesting to note how flexible those of us who have changed things prove to be when it is our changes under challenge. "

A quote from John Sandeman in an article critiquing the Emergent Church Movement and especially Brian McClaren and D.A. Carson's work within it. (Not meaning that Carson is a part of this movement).

Friday, February 24, 2006

No More Sissy Skating!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Mortality of the Flesh

"What else is that cross of ours which the Lord commands us to carry if not the mortality of our flesh? It is a source of distress to us until death is swallowed up in victory.
Therefore, it is precisely this cross that we must crucify and pierce with the nails of the fear of God."
-- Augustine, Letter 243, 11


My recent post generated discussion. Good discussion whichever side you are on. Any discussion of theology is beneficial when focused upon knowing God better instead of proving someone wrong. I will post more on this issue and many others.

However, this morning, in less than an hour, I was told of people dealing with cancer in at least three different instances. Furthermore, there are many people and friends at my church who are hurting that come to mind.

Let us always remember that we are all part of the body with different gifts, used for it's edification. I think those people who are hurting are not concerned with the finer, and grayer, matters of the extent of the atonement.

Take a moment and read this verse:

"If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to godliness, he is conceited [and] understands nothing; but he has a morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes about words, out of which arise envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions, and constant friction between men of depraved mind and deprived of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. But godliness [actually] is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment." 1 Tim. 6:3-6

This is not a condemnation against those who disagree with me. Just an admonish to the way in which some theologies are done. Let us not have "a morbid interest." Rather, let us seek God. Know Him better. Love Him better. While ministering to our fellow man. Loving him better.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Reformed Reformed: My Reformation

For the few of you who read this blog I owe it to you to respond when you ask me. Clint has asked how I "reformed my views." So let me begin.

In College I was challenged by some "intellectuals" (or at least I thought they were) who had grasped a concept of God which was foreign to me. As you should discern, this concept (or logic construct) is called Calvinsim. At first I hated it and then I was told to read Romans 9 and so I did, it is the Word of God! Upon reading I came across a conundrum. The language Paul used spoke of God's choice and showed pharaoh being hardened and I was at a crossroad looking for answers. I found them from some eager friends and soon I was preaching the gospel of Grace (and I use that now sarcastically). I gathered books and began to read the logical and historical nature of the doctrines of Calvinsim and Arminianism. I became closer friends with Presbyterians and joined the RUF (Reformed University Fellowship) and delved deeper into those doctrines that seemed to reveal so much of God to me.

Let me point out that during this time I was enriched. Joey, the RUF director, did not have a Calvinist agenda. He wanted to faithfully exposit the Word and taught me much. I especially hold him high for keeping me from the poison Brian McLaren was and is spewing.

In the world I became caught up in the pseudo-intellectual groups who had figured God out. Salvation now made logical sense. I must see God as being sovereign or else I would open the door to Open Theism. I read all the arguments on Calvinsim and argued it well, especially Limited Atonement and Irresistable Grace. However, what I lacked was a true biblical foundation for such arguments. I would preach that all does not mean all and that the term world or Cosmos could fall into many different categories (some of these arguments are true, but I used them for my own needs).

So well did I know the doctrines that I taught that section of Western Civilization to my class. The professor lauded me for my knowledge, yet I had students staring at me and asking if I believed in that God (a moment that has always haunted me). I found my system. I found my place to stand theologically and intellectually. I found myself.

Then I went to seminary, and not Southern to boot. My friends were perplexed as to why I would go to a place where the "doctrines" were not taught. They thought that RTS or Southern Seminary would be a much better choice. They were wrong. I arrived at a school in transition in administration, not in doctrine. What met me at seminary was a high view of scripture. I found 5 point calvinists and 1 point calvinists, but soon realized they were not consumed with the doctrine but with God and understanding his word.

You might ask, "Where was it that you fell apart?" And I answer, "In Greek." As I read and learned the New Testament in the original language I came across ideas that were hard and did not fit into my Calvinist box. Then I came across 2 Peter 2 and limited atonement fell apart. Since then I have found no evidence, other than logical, for irresistible grace.

If the Bible is our source of revelation from God then it supersedes reason, experience and tradition. Did God choose me? Yes! Did I choose God? Yes! How does that work? I don't know. It is a good question, but one that has risen far beyond its proper place. It should not consume our Theology Proper (the doctrine of the Godhead) and it should consume our soteriology (the doctrine of salvation). It is a mystery, and I am fine with that.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Where are the Baptists?

Thursday, February 16, 2006


If you have not read the classic 1984 then you must do so. It is a quick read that will scare the pants off of you, or at least it should. Government begins to rule every aspect of the people in that society so that if they are out of line, even from the dumbest of laws, they will be punished.
However, I came across the above ad. I do not know how old it is, nor do I care.

In light of the Katrina fiasco I think it odd that this exists with the more than apparent reality that people are longing to be dependent on government and will believe anything they are told from the media.

Cheney 2008

Why don't I think this way?

Driven out of paradise by you and exiled in a distant land, I cannot return by myself unless you, O Lord, come to meet me in my wandering. My return is based on hope in your mercy during all of my earthly life.
My only hope, the only source of confidence, and the only solid promise is your mercy.
-- Augustine - Commentary on Psalm 24, 5

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Faster than a speeding bullet