Two Little Feet
This past week my blazer has had two small gold feet pinned to its lapel. Most people do not recognize it, yet for those who do they are quite astonished because this tiny pair of feet, however detailed down to the smallest toe, is a replica of a ten week old fetus's feet. On the one hand they are small and delicate and incense a feeling of warmth and caring inside those I would call human. On the other hand they are a stark reminder that these fetus's are living beings having distinctive bodily characteristics at ten weeks! A reminder that drives to the heart of those (and few do not fit this category) who have not had to come to terms with the outcome of this creature's existence.
This past Sunday Shelley Lee, who runs the Fort Worth Pregnancy Center, spoke at my church sense it was sanctity of life Sunday. She gave a reminder to all who were present of the problem which is in our own houses. She had a scroll of footprints that represented every child aborted in Tarrant County Texas last year. The scroll ran from one side of our large sanctuary to the other representing 20,000 abortions. It was a touching moment, a moment to see that Christians are not winning this battle.
The prevalent attitude, especially with the younger people, is that of apathy. They are moved by a story and say, "Gee that is sad" or "God please help them" then forget about it when their stomachs are calling for lunch. Now that is something I cannot stomach.
In 1984 George Orwell shows a society who had been conditioned to believe, rather passionately, whatever they were most recently told to believe. In fact he shows that in a matter of less than an hour feelings and loyalties changed 100%. His book was horrific, but if Christians do not begin screaming at the top of their lungs are problems will only increase. We think we have done something great since George W. Has gone to office. We are slowly making a move, but the Liberal media is trumping our every effort.
What to I propose? Pray and ask for the holy Spirit's help. Become active. Know the issues. Speak about the issues to your family, your friends and enemies. Speak out any chance you can. Write a book. Write an article, a letter to the editor, a letter to your Senator. Let your voice be heard. If you get opposition bear it. It is your Cross.
Our lives are not comfortable anymore. It is time to make a decision of who is most important. We are losing the battle on abortion. 35 million babies have been killed. Do we need another 35 million?
This past Sunday Shelley Lee, who runs the Fort Worth Pregnancy Center, spoke at my church sense it was sanctity of life Sunday. She gave a reminder to all who were present of the problem which is in our own houses. She had a scroll of footprints that represented every child aborted in Tarrant County Texas last year. The scroll ran from one side of our large sanctuary to the other representing 20,000 abortions. It was a touching moment, a moment to see that Christians are not winning this battle.
The prevalent attitude, especially with the younger people, is that of apathy. They are moved by a story and say, "Gee that is sad" or "God please help them" then forget about it when their stomachs are calling for lunch. Now that is something I cannot stomach.
In 1984 George Orwell shows a society who had been conditioned to believe, rather passionately, whatever they were most recently told to believe. In fact he shows that in a matter of less than an hour feelings and loyalties changed 100%. His book was horrific, but if Christians do not begin screaming at the top of their lungs are problems will only increase. We think we have done something great since George W. Has gone to office. We are slowly making a move, but the Liberal media is trumping our every effort.
What to I propose? Pray and ask for the holy Spirit's help. Become active. Know the issues. Speak about the issues to your family, your friends and enemies. Speak out any chance you can. Write a book. Write an article, a letter to the editor, a letter to your Senator. Let your voice be heard. If you get opposition bear it. It is your Cross.
Our lives are not comfortable anymore. It is time to make a decision of who is most important. We are losing the battle on abortion. 35 million babies have been killed. Do we need another 35 million?