Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fatherhood and Lawnmowers

In my emerging Journey my next stop is Blue Like Jazz as it has been said there are few evangelical college students who have not read the book. I am only in the beginning pages of the volume, so I will withhold any critique until the entirety has been read. However, it is interesting to note that the author, Donald Miller, was invited to pray at the Democratic National Convention this past week. If you are interested allow me to point you to the text of that prayer.

On a slightly different note I will comment on something Miller introduces. He speaks of God as the Father and then relates it to his experience with his Father. This got me thinking about my relationship with my sons. How am I sowing them what fatherhood looks like? Am I an example of Christ in their lives? Very sobering and serious questions. However, suffice it to say I should be happy that I am on the short list of the people in my oldest son’s life that he deems worthy to call by name, and not merely when he wants something. Curious who else is on the list? Of course there is his mother, his brother and his cousin who he adores. Then there is one more that I suppose should make me proud: Mr. Bruce, or Broose as he says. Bruce is our landlord, but more than that he is also takes care of our (his) lawn. So once a week he shows up with his lawnmower, weed-eater and blower to the sheer excitement of my son who at this young age is already showing his manly love of power tools! I couldn't be prouder.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

which cousin?

12:46 PM  

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